In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up the Audio Radar Minecraft Mod (Java). This allows for an enhanced Minecraft experience, filled with custom colors based on the sound and increased sound accuracy.

Step 1:
Install Minecraft Launcher.
Step 2:
Install JRE V17 - x64 version preferred.
Step 3:
Restart PC > Install Fabric, Minecraft Version 1.20.1 and Loader Version 0.15.1.
Make a note of the install location, “C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft.”
Step 4:
Run the fabric version of Minecraft from the Minecraft launcher.
This will build out your folder structure to allow mods, you don't need to
play a game, just get to the initial screen that asks if you want single player

Step 5:
Close Minecraft.
Step 6:
Navigate to your .minecraft folder and locate your mods folder.
Add the two JAR files we supplied to the mods folder.

Step 7:
Plug a USB-C cable from your PC to the audio radar.
The next time you load Minecraft, it will be ready to work with Audio Radar.
Check out these other articles:
How to Setup Voicemeeter Settings
How to Setup Audio Radar with Xbox
How to Setup Audio Radar with PlayStation 5